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Splendor in the grass


Diana Gioia




Qué aleve tu primor tan inefable,
ignara mujercilla, qué grotesco,
rendiste culto al tenorio culpable,
presa de latrocinio rufianesco.


No culpes de tu ansia irresponsable
al falaz seductor caballeresco.
Tu subterfugio: su actitud mutable
(mas fue la tuya un relato burlesco).


Isotopías de amores al uso
ornaron en la Hierba el Esplendor,
embelecos, ardides… Espejismo.


Soflama estéril, apócrifo abstruso
de un taimado aprendiz de trovador:
argucias con disfraz de paroxismo.


Splendor in the Grass, Elia Kazan
The film’s title is taken from a line of William Wordsworth’s poem
“Ode on Intimations of Immortality”
from Recollections of Early Childhood.

What though the radiance
Which was once so bright
Be now forever taken from my sight
Though nothing can bring back the hour,
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find,
Strength in what remains behind…

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